
Friday, April 08, 2011

Nothing Doing Something Being

I wander with no object

star or near in life or depth

and I feel a boundless Eden

just in thyme to match my breadth.

It’s the peace that passeth purpose;

understanding overlain

with the leafiness of garden

or the feathers of the rain.

And heron earth a span of wings

beats out the driven days,

for the waiving of all purpose

opens daylight through the haze.

--Theresa Bayer, April 8, 2011

Thought I'd include some poetry. This one is about meditation, and its "purposelessness" that allows you to feel deep relaxation and peace.


Rick OzTown said...

Thanks for thinking of National Poetry Month! Huzzah!

"Heron earth", indeed. ;) Well said.

Margo said...

Simply lovely!

Kim Vanlandingham said...

Lovely poem!